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  1. Portrait of Clifford Berryman - Click to Enlarge
  2. Clifford Berryman Self Portrait - Click to Enlarge
  3. Drawing the Line in Mississippi - Cartoon featuring Berryman’s iconic teddy bear

“Give ‘em a 1912 Crease Please.”
January 26, 1912

William Jennings Bryan spent the winter of 1911–12 on a speaking tour of the country in preparation for the 1912 Democratic convention. While Bryan was not expected to receive the nomination, he wanted to be available in case the convention deadlocked. Here Bryan waits behind the screen while Miss Democracy presses his trousers. With those instructions and the images of his past campaigns hanging on the wall, Berryman suggests Bryan is preparing for a fourth Presidential bid.

U.S. Senate Collection
Center for Legislative Archives

From Berryman’s Recurring Cast of Characters...

Miss Democracy is the personification of the voice or will of the American people. Berryman often used her to symbolize the mood of the United States. See more of Berryman’s Recurring Symbolic Characters