“Civics for All of US” Teacher Workshop - We the People: Teaching the Constitution for Elementary Educators

- Tuesday, July 11, 2023
- 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm
- National Archives Museum, Online
Looking closely at the Preamble of the Constitution, teachers will work with primary sources from the National Archives and consider how the interpretation of “We the People” has changed over time. Participants will leave the online program with strategies for teaching the Constitution in ways that expand its accessibility in their K–5 classrooms. Educators will also discover how to bring the Constitution to their classrooms through the Civics for All of US distance learning programs of the National Archives.
This program is a part of Civics for All of US, the national civic education initiative from the National Archives. Our interactive teacher workshops draw upon the vast holdings of the National Archives to promote the knowledge, skills, and dispositions students need for civic engagement in the 21st century. Each program is led by one of our educators located at National Archives sites, the Center for Legislative Archives, and Presidential Libraries across the country. Visit civics.archives.gov for more information.