“Operation Shelby—PFC Manuel Garcia (El Centro, Calif.) rifleman, Co. E, 3rd Bn, 7th Inf, 199th Light Inf....Read more
“Operation Shelby—PFC Manuel Garcia (El Centro, Calif.) rifleman, Co. E, 3rd Bn, 7th Inf, 199th Light Inf. Bde., cleans his M–16 rifle prior to going out on a daily patrol at the new forward base camp located at the Kinh Kang and Kanh Nang Canals, 24 km west of Saigon.” by Pfc. Wendell D. Garrett, August 25–26, 1967, National Archives, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
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“HAVE A LIGHT—Marine Corporal Fred E. Kelso wounded during Operation Dewy Canyon in the northern Ashau Valley Complex, gets a light from Lance Corporal Dan Rein King, while waiting to be evacuated....Read more
“HAVE A LIGHT—Marine Corporal Fred E. Kelso wounded during Operation Dewy Canyon in the northern Ashau Valley Complex, gets a light from Lance Corporal Dan Rein King, while waiting to be evacuated. Both men are with ‘L’ Company, Third Battalion, Ninth Marines.” by Corporal J. G. McCullough, February 20, 1969, National Archives, Records of the United States Marine Corps
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“South China Sea . . . Crewmen of the amphibious cargo ship USS Durham (LKA-114) take Vietnamese refugees aboard from a small craft....Read more
“South China Sea . . . Crewmen of the amphibious cargo ship USS Durham (LKA-114) take Vietnamese refugees aboard from a small craft. The refugees will be transferred later by mechanized landing craft (LCM) to the freighter Transcolorado.” by Journalist 1 Mike McGougan, April 3, 1975, National Archives, General Records of the Department of the Navy
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“Twentieth century ‘angel of mercy’—Navy Hospital Corpsman D. R. Howe (Glencoe, Minn) treats the wounds of Private First Class D A. Crum (New Brighton, Pa.) ‘H’ Company 2nd Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment during Operation Hue City.” by Sergeant William F....Read more
“Twentieth century ‘angel of mercy’—Navy Hospital Corpsman D. R. Howe (Glencoe, Minn) treats the wounds of Private First Class D A. Crum (New Brighton, Pa.) ‘H’ Company 2nd Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment during Operation Hue City.” by Sergeant William F. Dickman, February 6, 1968, National Archives, Records of the United States Marine Corps
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